To ensure growth and sustainability, private clubs are developing new strategies to attract younger members. These clubs are using AI and other emerging types of technology to get the job done.

Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest population segment in America. This generation has grown up in an interactive and digital world. And they expect the organizations they spend money with to be as digitally savvy as they are.

In this article, we address how private clubs can leverage AI and new tech to entice this younger generation to strengthen membership.

Evaluate Your Club’s Digital Presence

The best way to engage younger members is to meet them where they are.

Younger people expect:

  • Simplicity and convenience. They’re multitaskers and they’re accustomed to getting what they want in a few clicks.
  • Relevant, useful, and timely communication. Today, information comes to us — often just at the right time.

By implementing a targeted digital marketing campaign, you can capture the attention of this new demographic. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Be sure your website delivers a customer-centric experience and is mobile-friendly.
  • Use social media platforms to showcase virtual tours of the course and the clubhouse.
  • Use LinkedIn groups to create discussion topics.
  • Post training tips for both beginner and advanced techniques.
  • Share engaging content, like event highlights, behind-the-scenes stories, and member testimonials.

Collect and Leverage Data

Younger people expect customized experiences.

Fortunately, today’s data analytics capabilities are enabling private clubs to deeply understand member preferences in order to provide those custom experiences.

Clubs are tracking detailed amenity utilization stats, like rounds played, fitness facility usage, tennis court bookings, food and beverage orders, etc. to produce custom outcomes. From event recommendations to highly relevant special promotions, younger members will find this personalized experience appealing.

Consider Adding Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences

Before long, the new generation of prospective members is likely to inquire about what virtual experiences your club offers.

VR headsets can cater to the tastes and expectations of a younger generation by offering an immersive and life-like experience that lets users step onto the world’s most iconic golf courses.

And according to Sophia Moshasha, host of the VR/AR Association Podcast, “the country club of the future … will have unlimited options for privacy, such as hundreds or thousands of players playing on a course simultaneously, but each team only seeing and interacting with the select few they choose to see.”

Learn More

Many private clubs claim they want to “get younger” but not every club takes action. Accelerate the process by taking the first step — no matter how small. Our team can help.

With many years of experience serving private clubs, our dedicated hospitality team offers you the comprehensive accounting, management, and business advisory services you need.

Contact us today.