Helping State and Local Governments Stay on Course

Nearly everything municipal government entities and related organizations do is subject to a complex web of unique compliance and regulatory issues. Understanding and abiding by these layers of rules can make proposed actions cumbersome. That’s why working with specialists with current and complete knowledge of the issues affecting cities, counties, towns, boards, commissions, development authorities, school systems, fire and rescue departments and similar entities is so imperative.


“ I have been very grateful for the partners and staff on our PBMares audit team who have made the effort to understand our business, context, and goals and work with us. It is clear that they also draw a line at professional skepticism so we don’t get the benefit of the doubt – we can represent that our audit quality is above par and meeting all professional standards.”


“We have experienced a great response from the PBMares staff assigned to our contract. We appreciate that we can contact them anytime during the year when any issue comes up and be able to get a response and have a conversation regarding whatever it may be. This is our expectation and it is met.”

Jennifer Maready, Finance Director, CITY OF WILMINGTON

Receive valuable insights on operational efficiency, cost savings and best practices to help your governmental entity remain strong so you can fulfill your mission.

Member of the AICPA Governmental Audit Quality CenterPBMares is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Governmental Audit Quality Center. The center promotes the importance of quality governmental audits and the value of such audits to purchasers of governmental audit services.

PBMares offers a depth and range of services that few other firms can provide, with a team of government-focused professionals who know how to handle the issues these entities face. Team leaders and members actively pursue information on the most up-to-date government developments and devote significant time researching and studying the economics, operational issues and trends affecting governmental entities, ensuring that you receive the highest level of value with all the leading edge services you need:


State and local governments must rely on long-range projections of revenues and expenses to aid in future planning. We provide detailed calculations to support accurate projections and manage risks, positioning you to maintain program continuity and maximize long-term impact.

With limited staff and resources, government agencies can struggle to devote the necessary time and expertise required to compile high-quality financial statements. PBMares offers these clients assistance in preparing financial statements, ensuring the correct disclosures are included as required by GASB. We can also assist in preparing financial statements in accordance with Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) guidelines to help clients qualify for GFOA recognition and awards.

Audit & Assurance
State and local governments that choose PBMares for audit and assurance services can also turn to us for assistance with a variety of agreed-upon procedures to meet additional compliance needs, including:

  • APA reporting
  • Financing and bond offerings
  • Issuance of comfort letters with respect to official statements
  • Insurance reporting
  • Clerk of Court Audits

State and municipal governments must comply with annual audit requirements, but the specific services mandated can vary. We bring extensive experience in the various types of program and agency audits to help you determine the appropriate assurance services and comply with all applicable laws. Our audit services for state and local governments include:

  • Single Audit under uniform guidance (CFR Title 200)
  • Opinion Audits
  • Yellow Book Audits
A strong internal audit program is a key risk management tool for state and local governments. PBMares brings extensive experience to support internal audit functions for our state and local government clients:

  • Developing IA department processes and appropriate roles for in-house staff, including procurement system reviews
  • Conducting independent, external reviews of your IA department
  • Serving as your outsourced IA provider
Monitoring sub-recipients within the guidelines of federal regulations and rules set by other grantors is an important key to maintaining government funding. Failure to adequately ensure compliance with program regulations can result in negative reports from auditors and even lead to a loss of critical funds. Our state and federal audit team provides pre-audit assessments to identify potential compliance issues, helping you ensure that you meet necessary standards to maintain the funding you rely on.
Managing public resources wisely is a key responsibility for states, municipalities and governmental entities. Careful independent examination of contracts can improve the integrity of large construction projects and demonstrate good stewardship of the resources with which you are entrusted. We help you find peace of mind with contract examination and review services to ensure that charges are assessed correctly and work is being completed properly, with no corners cut.
Balancing needs, costs and results of state and local government services is a priority that demands detailed analysis. How can you be sure the benefits match the cost of service? PBMares offers performance analyses and accomplishment assessments that closely examine specific programs and services to determine if costs and benefits are within range. We help you gauge output of new and existing services in the context of cost, including:

  • Fire and rescue
  • Police
  • Administration
  • Human resources
  • Education
  • Parks and recreation
  • Individual programs

With tax and personal data, payment processing functions and critical community services at stake, state and local governments can’t afford to take chances with cybersecurity. PBMares understands how important it is to help these entities protect HIPAA and other sensitive data, as well as maintaining system integrity and stability. Our respected cybersecurity team brings industry-leading expertise to help clients safeguard and strengthen online assets through IT reviews, risk assessments and proactive cybersecurity strategies.

Modern accounting tools provide a wealth of data to state and local governments, but turning that data into actionable information requires specialized understanding. We help you utilize the facts hidden within your data to recognize, analyze and document specific patterns and issues. Concerns that were difficult to prove or disprove are now discoverable through sophisticated data analysis, allowing you to identify and correct problems like aging receivables, policy noncompliance or other risks. Our data specialists go beyond descriptive and diagnostic analysis to help you define the problem, uncover root causes, predict future events and optimize outcomes using existing data. Get more value from the data you collect with leading-edge data analytics from PBMares.
Keeping your systems and offices up and running is critical not just for continuity of services, but to maintain ongoing funding. Disaster recovery services from PBMares help you ensure that key entities remain fully functional in the event of a natural disaster or any other incident. Your constituents count on you; count on us for disaster recovery planning services that let you fulfill your promises:

  • Accounting system and software testing
  • Backups
  • Offsite data storage
  • Records management
  • Contingency planning

Long-term, capital improvement projects often bring questions. Will bonds, leasing or other activities provide the most cost-effective financing strategy? Which types of bonds will best meet your specific needs? We assist state and local governments in determining the optimal method of financing long-term projects, weighing alternatives in the context of your goals to help you structure appropriate financing without negatively impacting cash flow.

When budgets fluctuate and needs continually increase, a strategic approach to financial management helps you plan for the future and ensure stability. Do you have sufficient reserves to withstand change driven by external forces such as economic downturns and changes in government? We offer financial management services that help state and local governments allocate resources properly to meet today’s needs, while preparing for anything the future may hold:

  • Long range planning
  • Resource allocation
  • Cash reserve analysis
  • Financial feasibility studies
Governments at all levels have an inherent risk of accounting missteps and internal fraud. Our forensic accounting team helps you dig deeply to uncover and reconstruct these incidents. We also offer proactive internal control assessments and risk management strategies to prevent potential problems. With years of experience helping state and local government prevent and detect financial crimes, we help you establish and monitor procedures to significantly minimize future risks, as well as providing expert testimony and litigation support in the event of fraud or theft.

Department of Transportation reporting requirements under NTD rules are highly specialized, and can place a heavy burden on municipal transportation system staff. Our state and local government professionals understand how to help you comply with DOT regulations and offer deep knowledge to help you meet ongoing NTD reporting requirements, as well as additional reporting needs that apply in the year following adoption of a new accounting system.

Accounting standards are constantly evolving, and changes in GASB guidance, APA rules or Uniform Guidance CFR 2 can leave state and local governments wondering how to proceed. Our GASB specialists monitor new guidance and determine how it affects state and local governments, helping you implement changes correctly and on time to avoid compliance concerns.

Efficiency improvements for your day-to-day, weekly and monthly activities help you manage resources wisely and accomplish your goals, even with limited staff. We conduct organizational analysis and internal control assessments for state and local governments to ensure that you’re operating as efficiently as possible while minimizing risk. We can also assist with designing and implementing process controls, developing operating manuals and employee handbooks, streamlining approval and recording of transactions, and other services that help you reach peak performance and efficiency.

No government can afford to leave money on the table. We provide revenue enhancement consulting to help state and local governments ensure you are maximizing all available revenue streams for your entity, including state and federal grant opportunities, appropriate allocations and local taxation initiatives.

Like all CPAs, accountants within state and local governments must fulfill annual CPE requirements. This specialized management training and professional development can tax government budgets and be difficult to obtain, so PBMares provides customized training opportunities designed to align with the needs of state and local governments. Contact us to discuss CPE training tailored to meet your specific needs.

Choosing the most beneficial systems to manage information and accounting is a complex challenge for state and local governments. The process of researching, selecting and implementing new systems can be expensive and time-intensive, costing you valuable staff hours and negatively impacting budgets. The decisions you make carry risk as well, since these systems touch every aspect of your programs and services. Knowledgeable guidance from the professionals at PBMares can help you avoid the pitfalls of unusable accounting and information systems and streamline implementation. We carefully assess your needs and help you evaluate appropriate solutions, saving you time, money and headaches as you transition to your new system.
Establishing the optimal rate structure for municipal services requires a careful examination of financial and operational factors that can be difficult to assess. Our state and local government professionals deliver the specialized accounting skills needed to help you extract expenditures and calculate appropriate rates for water, sewer and other public utility services.
Are your staffing levels and compensation policies aligned with other entities of a similar size and operational structure? Wage and salary studies help you establish appropriate staffing levels and maintain the competitive environment you need in order to attract high-quality employees, while avoiding overcompensation that can waste limited resources. Learn where you stand in relation to the market with a wage and salary study from PBMares.



Michael Garber, Partner, PBMares

M​ichael A. Garber, CPA, MBA

Partner, State and Local Government Team Co-leader

Betsy Hedrick, Partner, PBMares

Betsy L. Hedrick, CPA

Partner, State and Local Government Team Co-leader