Contracting Success: Year-End Financial Flourish for Savvy Government Contractors
Government contractors, learn about year-end financials and setting yourself up for success in the New Year.
Strengthening Cyber Resilience: Strategies to Address New SEC Mandates
The Security Exchange Commission (SEC) requires public companies to implement strategies to ensure timely and effective disclosure of security breaches.
Accounting Outsourcing Solutions for Construction Companies
See why your internal accounting processes might be wasting time and money and how easy it can be to digitize your accounting function and make it significantly more efficient.
PBMares LLP Announces Seven New Partner Appointments
PBMares, LLP, a Virginia-based top 100 accounting and consulting firm, expands their partnership with seven new partners in 2024 across five of their 12 offices in Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina.
Part 1: Basics of the Business Valuation Process
The Business Valuation Team at PBMares has written a four-part series of articles to help readers navigate and better understand the valuation process. This first article explains the purpose of a business valuation (BV) and key BV concepts.
Leveraging General Asset Accounts in Building Demolition Strategies
GAAs offer a strategic solution for real estate developers facing tax implications of building demolition, particularly concerning Section 280B. However, implementation requires careful consideration of timing, rules, and financial analysis.