Guidance for Growth

Advisory Watch2024-06-20T13:55:38-04:00

Overview of the New Renewable Energy Tax Credit under Section 48

The Inflation Reduction Act modified or introduced several energy efficient tax incentives, like the newly created Section 48(e) renewable energy investment tax credit. The base amount can be increased by several optional bonus credits.

GILTI: An Overview

US citizens and tax residents who have formed — or are considering forming — a corporation in a foreign country may be impacted by global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI). The tax implications and considerations are complex. Understanding GILTI is important for making informed decisions for yourself and your business structure.

Nonprofit Advertising and Sponsorship Rules

Nonprofits can run into issues when they accept advertising or sponsorship dollars if they don’t know the rules of unrelated business income tax. Knowing the difference between the two scenarios can help to minimize or manage tax liability.

July 12, 2023|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Tax: Exempt Organizations|Tags: |

Understanding the Service Contract Act (SCA) for Government Contractors

As a government contractor, understanding your obligations under the Service Contract Act (SCA) is essential. In this blog post, we will provide you with an overview of the SCA, including its requirements and challenges when implementing the standard. We will also discuss how compliance can be achieved and the risks associated with noncompliance.

July 11, 2023|Categories: Government Contracting|Tags: |
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The content of these articles are accurate as of the date noted below each article. Always ensure you are reviewing the most recent information available. Contact your tax advisor if you need clarification.

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