Not-for-Profit Accounting Update: Lease Accounting and Donated Assets (Contributed Nonfinancial Assets)

Many not-for-profits are in the first year of implementing the new lease accounting standard and may need guidance on where to start. Below-market leases or donated space also give rise to another new accounting update to consider.

2022-06-16T11:50:34-04:00June 15, 2022|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , |

Accounting System Adequacy — Compliance 101 — Down to Basics!

The SF1408, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (Accounting System) details some sixteen specific requirements a potential contractor must meet for their accounting system to be considered adequate. To make compliance more understandable and attainable, we've compiled the following five capabilities contractors should implement and document in written policies and procedures.

2022-03-22T13:55:20-04:00March 22, 2022|Categories: Accounting, Government Contracting|Tags: |

High Inflation with Inventory? Consider a LIFO Election for the 2022 or even the 2021 Tax Year if You Received an Extension

When inflation is high, certain companies could use it as an opportunity to save on taxes. Electing LIFO for the 2021 tax year might be a smart move, but time is running out. It’s also not too early to begin evaluating LIFO calculations for 2022.

2022-03-20T10:29:35-04:00March 16, 2022|Categories: Accounting, Tax: Business|Tags: , , |

Changes Coming in 2022 for QuickBooks Desktop

In 2022, QuickBooks Desktop is migrating two of its products, Pro and Premier, to a subscription-only software. Small businesses and other organizations have a few options, but limited time to decide their next steps.

2021-11-22T08:53:06-05:00November 17, 2021|Categories: Accounting, Construction and Real Estate, Small Business|Tags: , |

Webinar Recording: Are You Ready for ASC 842? Simplify Your Lease Accounting

As the recovery continues, many businesses and exempt organizations are taking another look at the new lease accounting standard and requirements. Learn how to simplify the process.

2023-01-13T14:01:02-05:00July 20, 2021|Categories: Accounting, Live Webinar, Past Events|Tags: , |

Change in Accounting for Certain Residential Rental Property

Certain types of residential rental property placed in service prior to 2018 can claim a shorter depreciation recovery period, potentially generating significant tax benefits. Affected taxpayers have until April 15, 2022 to file an amended return.

2021-08-26T13:49:04-04:00July 6, 2021|Categories: Accounting, Construction and Real Estate|Tags: , |

GSA Cancellation Emphasizes the Importance of a Compliant Cost Accounting System

The recent cancellation of the General Services Administration (GSA) $15Billion Alliant 2 Small Business (A2SB) contract highlights the need for small government contractors to have a properly evaluated cost accounting system.

2020-10-17T12:40:40-04:00October 13, 2020|Categories: Accounting, Government Contracting|Tags: , , |

Coronavirus: Financial Reporting Considerations

Source: RSM US LLP.    The effects of the coronavirus are evolving rapidly and are unique for each entity’s circumstances. In addition to addressing the serious operational impacts of the coronavirus, it is important that all entities consider how the coronavirus affects their financial reporting.

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