Top Programs for Winning Government Contracts: A Smaller Contractor’s Resource

The Federal government uses special programs to help small businesses win at least 23 percent of all federal contracting dollars each year. Small businesses should take advantage of these programs to give them a competitive edge in the government contracting arena.

2022-07-26T16:03:06-04:00July 26, 2022|Categories: Government Contracting, Small Business|Tags: |

Proven Tactics Tech Companies Can Use to Win Government Contracts

Should you accept government work if you are a technology firm? Yes, if you want to increase your revenue. Here are some tried-and-true tactics for winning government contracts that will help tech businesses succeed in the extremely competitive business world.

2022-07-12T14:11:22-04:00July 12, 2022|Categories: Government Contracting|Tags: |

Service Centers – A Multi-Purpose Management and Allocation Tool

Learn about service centers and cost allocation methods, specifically direct allocation and step allocation, that can help you understand the "true" cost of your products and services so you can price them for a profitable return.

2022-06-23T14:31:15-04:00June 21, 2022|Categories: Accounting, Government Contracting|Tags: , |

Tips for Effective Remote Team Management for Government Contractors

Managing a remote team as a government contractor can be difficult if not handled correctly; however, it is possible to make a successful transition from onsite to remote staff. Here are ten tips to get you started.

2022-06-14T11:35:34-04:00June 7, 2022|Categories: Government Contracting|Tags: |

Policies and Procedures – Store Bought Pitfalls for Government Contractors

Many government contractors opt to use policies and procedures that they either find online or obtain from other sources.  Herein lies the problem.  How do you know that what is a compliant practice for one organization will result in a compliant practice for your organization? 

2022-06-15T15:52:03-04:00May 24, 2022|Categories: Government Contracting|Tags: , |

Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative Will Crack Down on Government Contractors

The DOJ's Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative will target government contractors and grant recipients' security procedures in order to limit future cybersecurity problems. In this article, we review what you should know about the new civil cyber-fraud initiative, what might lead to infractions, and how to avoid hefty fines.

2022-05-10T14:06:43-04:00May 10, 2022|Categories: Cybersecurity, Government Contracting|Tags: |

Accounting System Adequacy — Compliance 101 — Down to Basics!

The SF1408, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (Accounting System) details some sixteen specific requirements a potential contractor must meet for their accounting system to be considered adequate. To make compliance more understandable and attainable, we've compiled the following five capabilities contractors should implement and document in written policies and procedures.

2022-03-22T13:55:20-04:00March 22, 2022|Categories: Accounting, Government Contracting|Tags: |

Impact of New Lease Accounting Standards for Government Contractors

Do you have a lease? If so, it is important to be aware of the new Lease Accounting Standards for Government Contractors. Lease accounting standards are changing and government contractors need to know how this will affect them.

2022-03-09T16:21:10-05:00March 9, 2022|Categories: Government Contracting|Tags: , |

How the Government Buys Goods and Services: What Government Contractors Need to Know

The federal government is the largest single customer in the world. Continuing with our Basics of Government Contracting Series, in this blog post we discuss how the federal government buys goods and services and what you need to know as a government contractor.

2022-02-24T13:29:40-05:00February 24, 2022|Categories: Government Contracting|Tags: |
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