How Private Clubs Can Claim the Employee Retention Credit When Restrictions Are Lifted

Most state and local governments have been lifting COVID-19 restrictions, leaving club management wondering how and if they still qualify for the ERC, especially in the quarter that restrictions are lifted.

Club Philanthropy: Typical Club Foundations

While many clubs have gifting programs that are not tax advantaged, this article focuses on some typical club foundations that provide an incentive to their members to get involved in various initiatives that qualify for favorable tax treatment by the IRS.

2021-06-23T12:53:10-04:00June 24, 2021|Categories: Hospitality, Private Clubs|Tags: , , |

American Rescue Plan: What Does It Mean?

The American Rescue Plan Act (the Act) s provides a number of items to help aid economic recovery out of the coronavirus pandemic. Read on for a summary of the Act's provisions.

SBA Releases Draft Application and Program Guide for Restaurant Fund

SBA releases draft application as well as a program guide for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. Potential applicants should review the resources and prepare to apply.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Is Coming – An Update on What We Know

The Restaurant Revitalization Fund is coming – SBA website soon to be operational – applicants should be ready.

Social Clubs Now Eligible for PPP Loans

The American Rescue Plan Act finally gives 501(c)7 Social Clubs the opportunity to apply for Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans. But you better act fast because the funding for the second round of the PPP loans closes on March 31, 2021.

2022-10-11T11:56:39-04:00March 16, 2021|Categories: Hospitality, PBMares COVID-19 News|Tags: , , , |

What we know about the Restaurant Revitalization Fund

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 creates $28.6 billion grant program for restaurants and other food or beverage service companies.

Club Philanthropy: Concepts, Caveats and Case Studies

This third article in Club Director’s Philanthropy in Clubs series takes a more in-depth look into foundations. Three case studies highlight what can go wrong and include the key takeaways to be learned from each example.

2021-06-03T10:30:28-04:00February 24, 2021|Categories: Hospitality, Private Clubs|Tags: , , |

Philanthropy in Clubs: Planned Giving Programs

This second article in Club Director’s Philanthropy in Clubs series provides an overview of the opportunities that exist for clubs that establish a planned giving program along with some ideas about how to get started and ensure the success of the program.

2021-04-22T15:10:08-04:00January 27, 2021|Categories: Hospitality, Private Clubs|Tags: , , |
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