Charitable Donations vs. Exchange Transactions

Not-for-profits have to report all donations they receive throughout the year. But not all donations are created equal. It can be difficult to determine if the funds are a charitable donation or an exchange transaction. Read on and learn what factors can help determine how the funds should be reported.

2019-07-24T19:13:28-04:00April 19, 2019|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

Where Should Not-for-Profits Report Membership Dues on Form 990?

Are membership dues paid to nonprofits considered a donation or program revenue? It comes down to whether the member receives a significant benefit or an insignificant one. Understanding the difference ensures nonprofits report these contributions correctly on Form 990.

2019-07-24T19:15:16-04:00March 18, 2019|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

New Revenue Recognition Standards are Now Effective

Everything has changed with FASB’s new revenue recognition standards and it’s time for all remaining organizations to implement the new revenue recognition standards that originated in May 2014.

2022-06-07T10:06:23-04:00March 5, 2019|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , |

Are Nonprofits Required to Pay Taxes for Employee Parking?

Under the Tax Cut & Jobs Act, nonprofits are required to allocate parking expenses provided to employees and report unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) on the transportation fringe benefit. Learn about the four-step process used to determine the amount of employee related parking expenses subject to UBTI.

2019-03-19T14:50:42-04:00February 22, 2019|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

Do Fundraising Materials and Pledge Forms Communicate the Same Message?

Nonprofit organizations use solicitation materials, fundraising events, marketing brochures, etc. to influence others to choose to donate to their organization versus a different one. Once a donor decides to make a promise to give or a pledge to a nonprofit organization, many times the form the donor sees may or may not mirror the information in the marketing materials that was used to influence their decision in the first place.

2019-03-19T15:27:28-04:00February 11, 2019|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

IRS Issues Guidance for Parking Expenses as Qualified Transportation Fringes

Guidance issued from the IRS on December 10, 2018 provides examples of ways to identify and calculate non-deductible parking expenses including a four-step process when taxpayers and tax-exempt organizations own or lease parking facilities. This guidance allows for any reasonable method in calculating the non-deductible expenses.

2019-03-19T15:31:55-04:00February 5, 2019|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit, Tax: Business|Tags: , |

Make It Count: How to Determine ROI on Fundraising Events

If your not-for-profit has over $15,000 in fundraising event contributions and gross income, then it will probably be required to report the events on Schedule G with the 990. Use the PBMares Accounting for Fundraising Events Tool to compile the information needed to complete the reporting on Schedule G.

2023-08-21T16:45:14-04:00January 23, 2019|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

Benefits and Uses of RPA and Blockchain in Not-for-Profit Organizations

Modern technology has allowed us many advantages in the workplace. However, certain issues such as operational inefficiencies and data breaches are still relatively common among organizations today. There are relatively new technologies available to address such issues – in particular, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and blockchain.

2019-07-24T20:07:49-04:00December 19, 2018|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , , |

Ten Tax Mistakes Ministers Make when Filing Taxes

Clergy members carry “dual tax status,” meaning they are considered “self-employed” for Social Security purposes but considered an “employee” for income tax purposes. Because of this dual status, many clergies do not file their taxes correctly and often miss-out on tax benefits. Understanding the following top ten mistakes clergy make when filing taxes will help you file correctly in the future.

2018-09-25T20:25:05-04:00September 25, 2018|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , |

Charitable Giving Hits All-Time High

In June 2018, Giving USA issued their annual giving report estimating charitable giving in the U.S. totaled $410 billion for 2017, an increase of 5.2 percent or $20.38 billion over the prior year. Giving by each of the four major types, Individuals, Foundations, Bequests, and Corporations, saw increases over the prior year.

2019-07-24T19:30:17-04:00September 11, 2018|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |
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