Quarterly Nonprofit Update: Fall 2023

A third quarter not-for-profit industry update sees revenue growth and new opportunities in some segments, like museums, parks, and zoos, and challenges for membership and religious organizations. Resilience and innovation are key to navigating a changing nonprofit landscape.

2023-11-01T17:30:27-04:00October 24, 2023|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: |

Accounting Outsourcing for Not-for-Profit Organizations

Struggles within a not-for-profit's accounting department drain time and resources that could be used to focus on achieving the core mission of the organization. Outsourced accounting can be a powerful solution.

2023-09-28T11:48:27-04:00September 27, 2023|Categories: Cloud Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: |

Nonprofit Advertising Rules: Periodicals, UBTI, and Membership Receipts

Two previous articles in this series went into detail about how nonprofits can incur taxable income from advertising or sponsorship sales, and how different the taxable impact can be depending on the relationship of certain costs to certain types of income. There is another important consideration of UBTI and advertising: allocable membership receipts.

2023-08-16T16:17:40-04:00August 16, 2023|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , |

Nonprofit Advertising Rules: Periodicals and Unrelated Business Taxable Income

Nonprofits can generate revenue from their periodicals through advertising; while this type of revenue is considered to be an unrelated trade or business activity, it might not always be taxable. The key is to understand the relationship between certain costs and types of income.

2023-07-26T16:28:05-04:00July 25, 2023|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: |
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