Nonprofit Advertising and Sponsorship Rules

Nonprofits can run into issues when they accept advertising or sponsorship dollars if they don’t know the rules of unrelated business income tax. Knowing the difference between the two scenarios can help to minimize or manage tax liability.

2023-07-26T16:31:01-04:00July 12, 2023|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Tax: Exempt Organizations|Tags: |

§179D Energy-Efficient Commercial Building Deduction Expanded to Benefit Non-Profit Organizations

For businesses contemplating a commercial project, the §179D deduction, a provision from the Inflation Reduction Act, is now available for any qualifying commercial energy-efficient building.

Why Do Nonprofits Need Financial Statement Services? Part 2: Federal Compliance

Federal compliance requirements like single audits require nonprofits to have financial statement services performed.

2023-01-18T10:36:36-05:00January 18, 2023|Categories: Audit & Assurance, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |
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