Whitepaper | Succession Planning for Nonprofits

Developing future leaders and mapping out a succession plan in advance is one of the best ways to mitigate the risk of losing key personnel and prepare for the future needs and growth of an organization. This video offers tips and best practices for creating and implementing a succession plan for your nonprofit.

2023-11-07T08:29:13-05:00May 17, 2022|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Whitepaper|Tags: |

Not-for-Profit Investment Policy Statements: Benchmarking Best Practices

Investment Policy Statements dictate how a nonprofit’s investment program operates. How is performance measured? Learning how to benchmark and measure success and organize the investment committee helps to ensure investment committee members satisfy their fiduciary duties.

2022-05-02T14:57:52-04:00May 2, 2022|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Private Clubs, Wealth Management|Tags: , |

Not-for-Profit Investment Policy Statements: Why They Need Review

Every not-for-profit manages funds, but not every organization has an established and well-documented Investment Policy Statement. Learn how the investment committee can review the IPS and safeguard against unnecessary investment risk.

2023-03-17T16:41:51-04:00March 29, 2022|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Private Clubs, Wealth Management|Tags: |

Signs an Organization May Be Headed for a Potential Single Audit

Many organizations may not be aware they’re subject to a single audit. It can help to look at similar scenarios to determine compliance requirements when accepting funds greater than $750,000.

2022-01-26T13:05:19-05:00January 24, 2022|Categories: Audit & Assurance, Not-for-Profit, PBMares COVID-19 Insights|Tags: , |

Navigating Nonprofit Labor Shortages: Strategies and Opportunities

Labor shortages are hitting nonprofits harder than most industries. Strategies to address this challenge don’t have to include higher wages; there are several other potential options, like culture, recruiting, contract workers, tax credits, and more.

2022-01-18T15:21:29-05:00January 18, 2022|Categories: Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |

Case Study | Not-for-Profit Overcomes a Financial Hack and Comes Back Stronger

A small Virginia nonprofit thought they were doing all the right things in terms of cybersecurity, cyber insurance and safety. They found out the hard way that it wasn’t enough to avoid the damage from a hacker that knew how to manipulate their weak points.

2022-01-10T09:29:29-05:00November 24, 2021|Categories: Cybersecurity, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |
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