Fiscal year 2025 budget proposal contains items affecting exempt organizations
Biden administration's budget proposal includes items affecting donor advised funds and private foundations.
Biden administration's budget proposal includes items affecting donor advised funds and private foundations.
AI and other emerging tech are now driving efficiency for private clubs in countless operational areas and elevating many facets of the overall member experience. Learn more about what is available and the benefits.
See forecasts for the private club industry and how hospitality leaders can navigate the challenge of the pandemic impact on revenue.
Learn what the 2024 economic forecast looks like for private clubs and how to remain relevant moving ahead.
Private clubs stay profitable by running an efficient operation and staying on top of complex accounting responsibilities. Here are 10 tips to unlock your organization's potential.
Final IRS regulations will require most social clubs and tax-exempt organizations to rework their unrelated business taxable income worksheets to avoid using an outdated expense allocation method.
There’s a lot of economic uncertainty at the moment. So, with the private club industry's overall health at its best in a while, how do clubs keep the momentum?
Investment Policy Statements dictate how a nonprofit’s investment program operates. How is performance measured? Learning how to benchmark and measure success and organize the investment committee helps to ensure investment committee members satisfy their fiduciary duties.
Every not-for-profit manages funds, but not every organization has an established and well-documented Investment Policy Statement. Learn how the investment committee can review the IPS and safeguard against unnecessary investment risk.
The use of an “Employee Hardship and Disaster Relief Fund Program” is one way to get money donated by members out to employees quickly and tax-free. This article explores the eligibility requirements clubs need to meet to ensure the funds can qualify as tax-exempt distributions,
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