Attract New Members with Fitness Facilities

Today’s successful club offers more than just a club; it offers a lifestyle. Clubs have evolved from the traditional model in an effort to attract the new generation of members. Along with more family oriented environments and relaxed dress codes, one of the ways clubs have tried to deliver that desired lifestyle and attract those members is to add or expand on their wellness/fitness facilities.

2024-12-09T09:34:06-05:00October 1, 2018|Categories: Hospitality, Private Clubs|Tags: , , |

The Budgeting Process is Critical for Clubs

In the recent past, clubs were forced to cut spending back due to a decline in membership and in spending by the members that remained. However, while membership desires may have been postponed they were not eliminated. The members want a new swimming pool, the grill needs some new furniture, the golf course needs a new irrigation system, the tennis courts need to be resurfaced and by the way, the club down the street is making these improvements.

2021-06-02T17:04:32-04:00August 15, 2018|Categories: Hospitality, Private Clubs|Tags: , , , |
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