2025 Economic Outlook for Franchises

In 2024, for the second year in a row, the franchise industry outperformed expectations thanks to upticks in consumer spending and slight improvements in the availability of labor. According to a report from the IFA, franchising is likely to keep growing and add more than 20,000 units and 210,000 jobs in 2025.  Learn interesting industry statistics and other key takeaways from the report.

2025-02-26T13:17:44-05:00February 25, 2025|Categories: Franchise, Retail, Small Business|Tags: |

Top Programs for Winning Government Contracts: A Smaller Contractor’s Resource

The Federal government uses special programs to help small businesses win at least 23 percent of all federal contracting dollars each year. Small businesses should take advantage of these programs to give them a competitive edge in the government contracting arena.

2022-07-26T16:03:06-04:00July 26, 2022|Categories: Government Contracting, Small Business|Tags: |

Changes Coming in 2022 for QuickBooks Desktop

In 2022, QuickBooks Desktop is migrating two of its products, Pro and Premier, to a subscription-only software. Small businesses and other organizations have a few options, but limited time to decide their next steps.

2021-11-22T08:53:06-05:00November 17, 2021|Categories: Accounting, Construction and Real Estate, Small Business|Tags: , |

Recovery Startup Provision: How New Startup Businesses Can Possibly Claim the ERTC

Businesses that started during the pandemic have a new opportunity to claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit for the 3rd and 4th quarters in 2021. There are minimal eligibility requirements to net up to $100,000 in tax credits for the year. Act now to include the credit on your 2021 3rd quarter payroll tax return.

2023-11-01T10:13:26-04:00September 22, 2021|Categories: Small Business, Tax: Business|Tags: , |

You Don’t Have to Take Business Insurance Costs Sitting Down

Adequate insurance coverage is, in many cases, a legal requirement for a business. Even if it’s not for your company, proper coverage remains a risk [...]

2021-05-13T15:26:07-04:00July 13, 2017|Categories: Accounting, Business Advisory, Construction and Real Estate, Small Business|Tags: |
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