Navigating a Troubled Hotel Market
RSM speaks with InnFACT Advisors about what the hotel market looks like in the current pandemic environment. Read the interview here.
RSM speaks with InnFACT Advisors about what the hotel market looks like in the current pandemic environment. Read the interview here.
View recording and slides. While we haven't had a lot of legislation in the last few months, we've had a lot of guidance come out from the IRS and the SBA, particularly surrounding PPP funds. So where are we? View PBMares' recent webinar, "The Latest on PPP: Forgiveness Application and Legislative Update".
The IRS recently issued guidance that will impact taxable income and tax liabilities for the majority of businesses who received PPP loans.
2020 has been a year of transformation, challenge, and opportunity.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues with no real end in sight the performance of traditional on-site audits by DCAA becomes a significant safety issue.
Borrowers (and affiliates) that have PPP Loans of $2 million or greater should be prepared to provide additional information to SBA. (authored by RSM US LLP)
On October 22nd, Governor Hogan announced a new $250 million relief package for business throughout Maryland.
Yesterday, on October 28, Governor Northam announced an expansion of eligibility criteria for the Rebuild VA Grant, a grant program in place for small businesses and non-profits affected by COVID-19.
Many U.S. companies took advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Assistance Loans, and other funding sources to shore up cash flow amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Exposure to state tax has been steadily increasing in recent months. From the Wayfair Supreme Court case in 2018 to mounting financial pressures from COVID-19, states are looking at all options to collect revenue they are entitled to.
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