Prepare Your Business as the High Estate Tax Exemption Expires

If your estate could surpass the lifetime estate exemption, learn about new guidelines that might justify a lower and more favorable valuation for tax reporting purposes.

2024-01-09T16:52:58-05:00January 10, 2024|Categories: Business Valuation, Tax: Business|Tags: |

Part 1: Basics of the Business Valuation Process

The Business Valuation Team at PBMares has written a four-part series of articles to help readers navigate and better understand the valuation process. This first article explains the purpose of a business valuation (BV) and key BV concepts.

2023-12-22T14:25:27-05:00December 28, 2023|Categories: Business Valuation|Tags: |

Whitepaper | Valuing Your Business

A business valuation helps to determine the fair market value of a company and may be needed for a variety of reasons such as buying or selling a business, transferring equity, developing an estate plan or purchasing insurance. In this video, you'll learn why you might need a valuation and the common methodologies used to determine value.

2023-11-07T08:30:07-05:00November 30, 2021|Categories: Business Valuation, Transaction Advisory, Whitepaper|Tags: |

The Changing Value of Commercial Real Estate: How COVID-19 Is Impacting Cap Rates

COVID-19 has transformed every aspect of the real estate industry; some sectors have experienced surges in demand while others are looking at ways to stay relevant.

2024-12-09T09:31:51-05:00December 1, 2020|Categories: Business Valuation, Construction and Real Estate, PBMares COVID-19 Insights|
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