Sales Tax Considerations for Exempt Organizations

The application of sales and use tax to the activity of exempt organizations is complex and nuanced. State tax and exempt organizations specialists explain what you need to know.

2023-04-26T17:30:48-04:00April 18, 2023|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Private Clubs, Tax: Exempt Organizations|Tags: |

What C Corporations Need to Know About the FDII Deduction

Foreign-derived intangible income (FDII) is generated when a C Corporation serves foreign markets. This includes the sale of property, licensing intangible property, as well as [...]

2023-04-26T16:11:30-04:00April 13, 2023|Categories: Tax: Business, Tax: International|Tags: |

Whitepaper | IRS Dirty Dozen Top Tax Scams To Avoid

Each year, the Internal Revenue Service publishes its annual Dirty Dozen list of tax scams highlighting various schemes that put taxpayers and their financial well-being at risk. In this video, we'll provide an overview of five of the top scams on the list.

2024-03-18T11:45:07-04:00April 10, 2023|Categories: Tax: Business, Tax: Individual, Whitepaper|

When Remote Employees Work Overseas: Three Ways to Avoid Cross-Border Tax Complications

If your business has — or is considering hiring — remote employees working outside the U.S., it’s important to know how that arrangement impacts employment tax. Here are three considerations to protect your business from cross-border tax complications.

2023-04-04T15:29:24-04:00April 5, 2023|Categories: Tax: International|Tags: |

What Government Contractors Need to Know about PTET

Understanding the rules and laws governing PTETs and various state rules, as well as GAAP guidance, can help make sure government contractors remain compliant and efficient.

Financial and Cyber Risk Mitigation Is Critical Following Banking Market Disruption

We have identified some critical near-term actions that businesses can take to mitigate their financial and cybersecurity risks in response to the bank collapse.

2024-01-25T09:37:03-05:00March 16, 2023|Categories: Business Advisory, Cybersecurity, Risk Advisory|Tags: , |
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