Did You Miss Out on the Employee Retention Tax Credits?

Many employers do not realize they could benefit from the ERC.  As businesses close their books and records for 2021 and begin to work on tax compliance, it is a good opportunity to revisit the ERC to clear up any confusion that may exist.

2022-07-19T15:25:10-04:00December 21, 2021|Categories: PBMares COVID-19 Insights, Tax: Business|Tags: , , , |

Updated IRS Guidance on Meals and Entertainment Expense Deduction

In 2021 and 2022, a temporary change to the tax code allows companies to deduct 100 percent of most business meal and entertainment expenses. Guidance on per diem deductibility has also been clarified.

2022-01-10T09:28:30-05:00December 20, 2021|Categories: Tax: Business|Tags: , |

Federal Contractors on the Hook for Cybersecurity Readiness

In another demonstration of the federal government’s commitment to cybersecurity, the DOJ released details of its Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative. Here’s how contractors can comply.

2024-12-19T08:49:25-05:00December 7, 2021|Categories: Cybersecurity, Government Contracting|Tags: , |

Whitepaper | Valuing Your Business

A business valuation helps to determine the fair market value of a company and may be needed for a variety of reasons such as buying or selling a business, transferring equity, developing an estate plan or purchasing insurance. In this video, you'll learn why you might need a valuation and the common methodologies used to determine value.

2023-11-07T08:30:07-05:00November 30, 2021|Categories: Business Valuation, Transaction Advisory, Whitepaper|Tags: |

Case Study | Not-for-Profit Overcomes a Financial Hack and Comes Back Stronger

A small Virginia nonprofit thought they were doing all the right things in terms of cybersecurity, cyber insurance and safety. They found out the hard way that it wasn’t enough to avoid the damage from a hacker that knew how to manipulate their weak points.

2022-01-10T09:29:29-05:00November 24, 2021|Categories: Cybersecurity, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , |
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