Webinar Recording: Five Tax-Efficient Ways to Sell Your Business

If you are currently selling or considering the sale of your business, learn how to minimize transactional tax liabilities through effective tax structuring. This webinar will outline the various options to consider when creating a smart tax structure for the sale of your business.

2023-08-16T07:38:26-04:00September 10, 2021|Categories: Events, Tax: Business|Tags: , |

10 Key Considerations to Take When Evaluating Managed Service Providers

More organizations are using Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to help fulfill ongoing needs, like cybersecurity and outsourced accounting. Before hiring an MSP, it’s helpful to understand the top ten areas that can impact the engagement’s success.

2022-06-16T08:29:27-04:00September 9, 2021|Categories: Cloud Accounting, Consulting, Cybersecurity|Tags: , , , , |

IRS Issues Procedural Guidance for the New Revenue Recognition Rules

The IRS released guidance allowing automatic accounting method changes for taxpayers to follow the final revenue recognition regulations.

2021-08-27T10:55:31-04:00August 27, 2021|Categories: Tax: Business|Tags: , , |

IRS Issues Employee Retention Credit Gross Receipt Exclusion Procedure

Rev. Proc. 2021-33 allows exclusion of PPP, restaurant revitalization and shuttered venue operator grants from ERTC gross receipts test.

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