Membership demographics, operating costs and discretionary income are just three pressures facing private country and city clubs across the U.S., according to data included in the 62ND edition of Clubs in Town & Country produced by PBMares, LLP, a leading public accounting and consulting firm serving clubs nationally and internationally.
“2016 was a banner year for many, but not all clubs,” said Kevin Reilly, J.D., CPA, CGMA, a partner with PBMares who also leads its private club practice. “There are a lot of clubs competing for the entertainment dollars and clubs have to become more relevant in order to continue succeeding.”
The more than 800 clubs that submitted data through Club Benchmarking are also facing revenue challenges, fluctuating memberships levels and concerns about the economy. There is also a correlation between trends in club membership, demographics and member needs that clubs must understand to be successful.
“Clubs management needs to understand both current and emerging trends in order to prepare for the future. It’s what will help them plan for the impact to operations in the coming years,” Reilly said.
The latest Clubs in Town & Country report can be downloaded here.
Clubs in Town & Country is the country’s most respected annual statistical review and trend analysis of the club industry and serves as a management and operational aid for clubs.