Moving You Forward
As you navigate this new business environment, leaders need the right guidance and direction to move forward. Tap into our customized tax, audit, accounting and business advisory solutions to help you recover from disruption and grow stronger. Contact a PBMares advisor today.
CARES Act relief and the impact to government contractors
Learn how CARES Act relief can affect current and future awards and timing considerations for government contractors.
Don’t Overlook Advantageous Provisions of the SECURE Act
Although the 2019 SECURE Act was the most significant retirement plan policy legislation in over 10 years, its provisions have been somewhat in the background due to COVID-19. We've highlighted the following provisions that plan sponsors and employers without a plan may want to consider now.
Hospitality industry may find relief in new ERC expansions
Despite receipt of PPP loans, hospitality businesses may be eligible for retroactive 2020 and new 2021 credits.
Managing Those Physical Stocks in Your Safety Deposit Box
Taking steps now to transfer your physical stock to electronic will take a considerable burden off of your executor. Plus, if you are able to transfer your physical stock while you are alive, you may also be able to retitle said stock and avoid probate.
Section 163(j) and Its Impact on Commercial Real Estate
This article explains Section 163(j) and its implications on small businesses, real estate, and manufacturing, including how taxable income and interest expense are defined under Section 163(j), as well as which business activities fall under 163(j) guidance.
How the New Employee Benefit Plan Auditing Standard (SAS No. 136) Will Impact Plan Audits
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 136 prescribes certain new performance requirements for an audit of financial statements of employee benefit plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and changes the form and content of the related auditor's report. Read more.