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Virginia Employment Laws Expanded to Require New Hire Reporting of Independent Contractors
A new but perhaps little-known law in the State of Virginia requires that all employers, labor organizations, and hiring halls report information about newly hired independent contractors to the state’s New Hire Center.
DCAA Audit Protocol during the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues with no real end in sight the performance of traditional on-site audits by DCAA becomes a significant safety issue.
Sec_rity Is Not Complete Without U!
While technical cybersecurity controls are a vital part of your organization’s information security framework, they are not in and of themselves sufficient to secure all of your information assets.
Open Enrollment: Making the Most of Employee Benefits
Open Enrollment season is upon us, and for many employees, it is time to enroll in company benefits for the upcoming year.
SBA Publishes Loan Necessity Questionnaire for PPP Borrowers
Borrowers (and affiliates) that have PPP Loans of $2 million or greater should be prepared to provide additional information to SBA. (authored by RSM US LLP)
State Sales Tax Considerations for Real Estate and Construction Contractors
Few contractors give much thought to state sales tax when they’re installing property improvements for a customer.