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As you navigate this new business environment, leaders need the right guidance and direction to move forward. Tap into our customized tax, audit, accounting and business advisory solutions to help you recover from disruption and grow stronger. Contact a PBMares advisor today.
The Importance of Cybersecurity Resiliency for Nonprofit Organizations
Cybersecurity resiliency is important for nonprofits. An organization that has strong cybersecurity resiliency protects its sensitive data and ensures that it can fulfill its mission without interruption.
The Future of Commercial Office Conversions and Transforming Workspaces
With changing work habits, increasing demands for flexible spaces, and modifications to urban planning, the conversion of commercial office buildings into new uses has gained popularity. Learn about the future of commercial office conversions and transforming workspaces.
Foreign Corporations Expanding into the U.S.: Preparing the Protective Form 1120-F
Expanding internationally is always an exciting adventure. Before jumping in head-first learn what is important to understand and the ramifications, including tax compliance, when entering the United States markets.
Post-Election Outlook for Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII) Deduction
Foreign-derived intangible income (FDII) deduction, IRC 250 currently allows U.S. C corporations a reduced tax rate for income from goods and services sold to foreign customers. FDII was enacted with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), which reformed the U.S. system for taxing international corporate income. Read this post-election outlook for FDII.
VA Enterprise Zone Program: How the Job Creation Grant Can Help Your Business Grow
The Virginia Enterprise Zone (VEZ) Program, a partnership between state and local governments, offers businesses a unique opportunity to expand their operations while reducing costs. Learn about one of the key incentives provided under this program is the Job Creation Grant (JCG), designed to encourage businesses to create new jobs in designated Enterprise Zones across the state.
Exempt Organization Inflation Adjusted Items for 2025
IRS released inflation adjusted items for tax years beginning in 2025, including those relevant to exempt organizations.