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Is My Research and Development Expense Allowable under FAR?
In this blog post, we'll take a look at what types of research and development expenses can be considered allowable under the FAR, as well as some tips for ensuring that your expenses meet the criteria.
Cash Management Alternatives to Business Bank Accounts: How to Maximize Yield & Minimize Risk in Today’s Climate
Businesses are naturally concerned about the safety and security of their own company deposits. But letting cash reserves sit in a savings account isn’t necessarily the best answer. To optimize your cash reserves, being aware of all available options is critical.
Changes to 179D in the Inflation Reduction Act
179D, a popular energy efficiency tax incentive, has been expanded and upgraded in 2022’s Inflation Reduction Act. From new deduction amounts to prevailing wage requirements, learn about changes to 179D.
New Rules for Electric Vehicle Tax Credit
New battery sourcing requirements for electric vehicles took effect after April 18, 2023. This change means that far fewer vehicles qualify for the full $7,500 Clean Vehicle Tax Credit.
Financial Management and Retirement Planning Tips for Young Professionals
Navigating the shift from college to adulthood can be challenging, especially when it comes to financial management. Contributing early to retirement plans and managing credit, savings, and student loans can make a big difference in long-term financial health.
Analyzing Indirect Rate Changes – Base or Expense?
Budget variances will happen. When they do, it is critical to profitability to understand what is causing the variance so that it can be considered in your budgeting process going forward or operationally corrected.