Tax Credits and Incentives Increase Tax Savings
Don’t miss out on tax credits that you’re eligible for. Taking advantage of the specific tax savings opportunities available to you is a smart business strategy. And knowing how to effectively maximize the value of those tax credits and incentives is crucial.
From research and development (R&D) credits to incentives for investing in new businesses, there are hundreds of opportunities each with its own set of requirements. While some credits are applicable to all taxpayers, there are others that are targeted at specific industries for actions such as restoring a historic building. Federal and state credits are the most prevalent, but local areas may also provide incentives and credits. Some, called refundable credits, even pay cash directly back to the business. Do you know which of your company’s activities qualify? There may be a world of possibilities available to you
“PBMares had a broad set of capabilities to help our startup grow. Not only did PBMares help us quickly prepare our returns, but they identified state and federal tax credits and helped us secure Federal R&D tax credits and state tax credits for our investors. It’s great to know that while our startup team is focused on the day-to-day tasks of building and selling products, the PBMares team is looking out for all of our tax and accounting needs – even spotting opportunities we were not aware of.”

Business leaders trust PBMares to help them identify and maximize the value of the tax credits and incentives specific to their situation.
PBMares understands how valuable these credits and incentives are to your business and has decades of experience helping clients benefit from them. Our professionals have studied the opportunities available and monitored the frequent changes, guiding clients through the process of qualifying and complying with each one and providing the required certifications to claim them.
The knowledgeable tax credit and incentive specialists at PBMares assist with all federal credits and incentives as well as state opportunities for businesses in Virginia and Maryland. PBMares also helps find buyers for credits that have already been generated – a service few firms can offer. Our experience covers a large range of tax credits and incentives, including but not limited to:
Want to Know if You Qualify for a Credit or Incentive?
We have helped businesses throughout the region evaluate, calculate and submit for credits and incentives available. Businesses from nearly every industry have entrusted us to this process including those in construction, government contracting, municipal government, financial institutions and hospitality.