Not-for-Profit Investment Policy Statements: Benchmarking Best Practices

Investment Policy Statements dictate how a nonprofit’s investment program operates. How is performance measured? Learning how to benchmark and measure success and organize the investment committee helps to ensure investment committee members satisfy their fiduciary duties.

2025-02-03T16:55:09-05:00May 2, 2022|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Private Clubs, Wealth Management|Tags: , |

Not-for-Profit Investment Policy Statements: Why They Need Review

Every not-for-profit manages funds, but not every organization has an established and well-documented Investment Policy Statement. Learn how the investment committee can review the IPS and safeguard against unnecessary investment risk.

2025-02-03T16:59:09-05:00March 29, 2022|Categories: Not-for-Profit, Private Clubs, Wealth Management|Tags: |

Use the Updated Form 990 Schedule A to Your Advantage

Will the public change the way it makes donations as a result of the Job Cuts and Jobs Act? And will your non-profit be impacted by those behavioral changes? These questions are being asked by non-profit leaders across the country. There is a fear that a decrease in charitable giving will cause operating shortfalls and jeopardize your public charity status. One way to maximize your organization’s public support, no matter how charitable giving changes, is to make sure you are not in jeopardy of losing your charitable status

2018-12-21T16:20:14-05:00January 30, 2018|Categories: Industries, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , , , |
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