IRS releases draft instructions to claim amended R&D credits

IRS issues draft instructions for Form 6765 that formalizes the information required for claiming research credits on an amended tax return or an administrative adjustment request (AAR) for BBA partnerships.

2025-01-30T14:39:57-05:00January 18, 2023|Categories: Tax: Business, Tax: Credits & Incentives|Tags: , |

Recent tax court case details substantial rights related to R&D Credit

The case explains the IRS' view of the requirements to establish substantial rights for work performed under contract for the R&D credit.

2023-08-08T17:57:43-04:00January 24, 2021|Categories: Tax: Credits & Incentives|Tags: , , |

Nine research and development tax credit myths costing you money

Misconceptions about the federal research and development tax credit leave many companies paying more tax than required.

2023-09-26T15:33:56-04:00October 29, 2020|Categories: Tax: Business, Tax: Credits & Incentives|Tags: , |
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