Navigating Maryland’s New Sales Tax on Digital Products

Maryland businesses are getting caught by surprise by a recently enacted law that subjects digital products to sales tax. Digital products may include movies, books, software, and online training and it’s not always straightforward to determine what’s taxable.

2021-03-29T12:53:48-04:00March 29, 2021|Categories: Tax: Business|Tags: , , |

State Sales Tax Considerations for Real Estate and Construction Contractors

Few contractors give much thought to state sales tax when they’re installing property improvements for a customer.

How Businesses Should Be Preparing for Changes in State Tax Laws in 2020 and Beyond

Exposure to state tax has been steadily increasing in recent months. From the Wayfair Supreme Court case in 2018 to mounting financial pressures from COVID-19, states are looking at all options to collect revenue they are entitled to.

$10,000 SALT Cap Continues to Receive Attention

One of the little-known provisions of the House of Representatives’ HEROES Act could have big impacts for high-income taxpayers and small businesses later on as tax policies continue to be reevaluated.

Supreme Court Ruling Fundamentally Alters Sales Tax

The U.S. Supreme Court has fundamentally altered Wayfair, Inc., and other online retailers’ ability to offer items at a lower cost than their brick and mortar counterparts. States can now require online retailers to collect sales tax from every customer no matter if they have a physical location in the shopper’s state, leaving online consumers to pay more for the items they buy.

2018-08-17T15:00:49-04:00June 28, 2018|Categories: Tax: Business, Tax: State & Local|Tags: , , |
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