VA Enterprise Zone Program: How the Job Creation Grant Can Help Your Business Grow

The Virginia Enterprise Zone (VEZ) Program, a partnership between state and local governments, offers businesses a unique opportunity to expand their operations while reducing costs. Learn about one of the key incentives provided under this program is the Job Creation Grant (JCG), designed to encourage businesses to create new jobs in designated Enterprise Zones across the state.

2025-02-26T13:54:50-05:00December 12, 2024|Categories: Audit & Assurance|Tags: |

Webinar Recording | Virginia Enterprise Zones: Your Guide to Getting in the Zone

Discover the benefits of being located within a Virginia Enterprise Zone. In this webinar recording, you will learn who is eligible, what grants are available, and how to apply.

2024-12-09T10:27:40-05:00November 25, 2024|Categories: Events, Construction and Real Estate, Webinar|Tags: , , , |

Key Considerations for Choosing a New Auditor in 2025

What are the key qualities organizations should be looking for in an auditor today? As businesses navigate the challenges of 2025, the role of auditors has expanded. Auditors now play a crucial part in addressing areas like cybersecurity, risk management, and strategic planning, beyond traditional financial reporting and compliance.

2025-02-26T15:55:08-05:00November 21, 2024|Categories: Audit & Assurance|Tags: |

Maximizing Virginia’s Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

The Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit (HRTC) Program in Virginia offers significant financial incentives for restoring historic structures. By meeting the Standards, property owners can reduce their income tax liability, claiming up to 45% of eligible rehabilitation expenses—20% from the Federal government and 25% from the State.

2025-03-12T15:43:43-04:00November 20, 2024|Categories: Tax: Business|Tags: , |

OMB Compliance Supplement: What to Know about Part 7

Single audits are essential for ensuring that organizations managing federal funds adhere to compliance requirements. While many programs are covered by specific rules in the OMB Compliance Supplement, others are not, requiring auditors to rely on Part 7 of the supplement. Learn more on what you should know about Part 7.

2025-01-22T14:51:55-05:00November 19, 2024|Categories: Audit & Assurance, Not-for-Profit|Tags: |

How the Real Property Investment Grant Supports Business Growth

The Virginia Enterprise Zone (VEZ) Program provides businesses with exceptional opportunities to invest in property development and rehabilitation while benefiting from state government incentives. Learn more about this program and if you are eligible.

2024-11-14T11:15:03-05:00November 15, 2024|Categories: Audit & Assurance|Tags: |

What’s New in Enterprise Zones

Enterprise Zones (EZs) are a key economic development tool, offering tax and monetary incentives to businesses investing in distressed areas. These benefits typically include tax credits, property tax abatements, and sales tax exemptions, which lower the cost of doing business within the zone. Learn more about the state participation, potential benefits, and eligibility requirements.

Not-for-Profit Accounting Update: Lease Accounting and Donated Assets (Contributed Nonfinancial Assets)

Many not-for-profits are in the first year of implementing the new lease accounting standard and may need guidance on where to start. Below-market leases or donated space also give rise to another new accounting update to consider.

2022-06-16T11:50:34-04:00June 15, 2022|Categories: Accounting, Not-for-Profit|Tags: , |

Signs an Organization May Be Headed for a Potential Single Audit

Many organizations may not be aware they’re subject to a single audit. It can help to look at similar scenarios to determine compliance requirements when accepting funds greater than $750,000.

2022-01-26T13:05:19-05:00January 24, 2022|Categories: Audit & Assurance, Not-for-Profit, PBMares COVID-19 Insights|Tags: , |

List of COVID-Related Grants Triggering Single Audits

Funding received from state or local governments may have originated in the Cares Act and may only be pass-through funding. Thus, the entity may be subject to a single audit requirement. Here is a list of CARES Act- and COVID-19-related programs that could trigger a single audit.

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