The recent global Microsoft outages attributed to a CrowdStrike software glitch have highlighted significant vulnerabilities in our interconnected digital ecosystem. Even with comprehensive measures in place, such incidents remind us of the critical importance of patch management, change management, robust vendor oversight, and continuity planning. Listed below are key lessons learned from this event that can help organizations enhance their resilience. 

1. The Interconnectedness of Cyber Ecosystems

The outage underscores the complex interconnectedness of modern cyber ecosystems. A glitch in CrowdStrike’s software disrupted Microsoft’s services globally, showcasing the ripple effect one vendor’s issue can have. Businesses must regularly map their tech dependencies and identify potential single points of failure, ensuring they are prepared to mitigate such risks. 

2. Critical Patch and Change Management

Despite the implementation of Service Organization Control (SOC) standards, including SOC 2 Type 2 reports that affirm the suitability and effectiveness of controls, process failures can still occur. The Microsoft-CrowdStrike incident emphasizes the necessity of stringent patch and change management procedures. Businesses should ensure timely updates and thorough testing of patches to prevent such widespread disruptions. When implementing new patches or changes, proper rollback procedures are also critical should an issue be identified post-deployment of the patch. 

3. Comprehensive Vendor Risk Management

While third-party solutions can enhance security, they also introduce additional risks. The importance of a strong vendor management program cannot be overstated. Organizations must conduct thorough due diligence, continuously monitor vendor performance, and maintain contingency plans for vendor-related failures. This proactive approach can significantly mitigate the impact of external vulnerabilities. 

4. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning

Incidents like the recent outage highlight the need for robust business continuity and disaster recovery plans. These plans should be regularly updated and tested to ensure they are effective. Clear communication channels must be established to keep stakeholders informed during such disruptions. Strong continuity plans can help businesses maintain operations and minimize the impact of service outages. 

5. Enhanced Monitoring and Incident Response

Proactive monitoring and early detection are vital for addressing potential issues before they escalate. Implementing advanced monitoring tools provides real-time insights into system performance and anomalies, enabling swift intervention. Additionally, well-structured incident response plans, regularly tested through simulated scenarios, ensure businesses are prepared to handle disruptions effectively. 


The Microsoft outages serve as a stark reminder of the complexities and vulnerabilities in our digital world. Even with SOC compliance and robust controls, process failures can occur, underscoring the need for strong business continuity, disaster recovery, and incident response plans. If your business has been impacted directly or indirectly by these outages and you’re interested in strengthening your continuity plans and vendor management, please reach out. As leaders in cyber risk advisory, we are here to guide and support you in navigating these challenges and fortifying your cyber defenses.