
When it comes to your financial future,
what keeps you up at night?

At PBMares Wealth Management, we understand that everyone has concerns and wants to do the right thing to ensure a financially secure future. Our passion is to listen and understand your goals – as well as your fears – to create a holistic plan tailored for you. View Our Services

We’re with you for the long haul.

You work hard for your money, and we work hard to help you get the most from it. Always keeping your plans for the future in mind, we make recommendations so you get the most from your investments. We see ourselves as part of your financial team, checking in with you monthly and making adjustments based on your current situation. Our passion and driving philosophy are to do what is best for you, your business, your family and your future. Contact us today.


  • Investment management and asset allocation recommendations
  • Portfolio income planning and cash-flow needs analysis
  • Adjustments for economic development and new regulations
infographic pbmares wealth management 3 circles


  • Daily access to professional advice & service
  • Rapid response to any question
  • Network of dedicated specialists including CFPs, CPAs and estate planning experts


  • Financial, retirement, trust & estate planning
  • Multi-generational planning; family advisory
  • Key document & account structure assessment

Insights for Smarter Decisions

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Should You Take Your Pension as a Lump Sum?

When it comes to pension payment options, several factors must be analyzed in order to determine what course is best for you and your unique circumstances. Use this flowchart as a guide.

Issues to Consider When Buying a Home

There are a number of things you should be aware of when buying a home, including how it will impact your overall financial planning goals. Use this checklist as a guide.

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