Understanding the Role of Cognitive Bias and Economic Bubbles

Lately, there have been several stories regarding the possibility that the U.S. economy is in a stock market bubble. It seems whenever there are extended time periods with high growth, the word bubble appears and investors start to become uneasy. So, what are bubbles and should we be concerned with them?

2021-07-23T13:27:22-04:00May 11, 2021|Categories: Investment, Stock Market, Wealth Management|Tags: |

Presidential Elections and The Stock Market

With a presidential election just around the corner, many investors are looking for clues as to which way stocks may go. The following articles by Dimensional provide an historical perspective on presidential elections and the stock market. The results may surprise you, and should reinforce the benefits of taking a long-term approach to investing.

2021-12-02T20:18:05-05:00October 9, 2020|Categories: Stock Market|
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