How to Make Smart Investing and Tax Decisions at the Same Time
Most of us have a goal of retiring someday, so doesn't it make sense to consider strategies that minimize the taxability of your portfolio along the way? Here are a few ideas to think about when managing your portfolio in a tax-efficient manner.
Why Not-for-Profit Investment Policy Statements Need Review
Serving on a nonprofit Board of Directors is a rewarding and meaningful way to give back to the community. It’s a labor of love for Board members, though some may not fully understand their [Read More]
3 Retirement Planning Decisions You Can Make in Your 20s
As a financial planner, people in their 20s often ask me, "what types of accounts should I be opening to save for retirement?" or, "how do I start investing?". Here are some ideas for those looking to get started.
Maxing Out 401(k) Savings for High Earners
High earners face additional contribution restrictions to employer-sponsored 401(k) plans. Being aware of these restrictions and how to navigate them can help maximize retirement savings.
Why a Stock Peak Isn’t a Cliff
Many investors may think a market high is a signal stocks are overvalued or have reached a ceiling. However, they may be surprised by what the data show.
A Closer Look at Charitable Giving
Charitable giving has many benefits on its own. Some taxpayers wrongly assume it is always beneficial for taxes, but that depends on individual tax circumstances and the type of donation.