Investing in FAANG Stocks
Is now the time to purchase FAANG stocks? Our research team at DFA looks at the expected and unexpected returns for answers.
Do You Need Long Term Care Insurance?
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 70% of people turning age 65 will need long-term care at some point in their lives. Here is what you need to know.
Open Enrollment: Making the Most of Employee Benefits
Open Enrollment season is upon us, and for many employees, it is time to enroll in company benefits for the upcoming year.
SECURE Act: Potential Implications to Naming Your Trust as Retirement Beneficiary
Since the SECURE Act passed in December of 2019, several clients have reached out regarding the so-called “10 Year Rule” which stipulates all retirement assets must be distributed to certain beneficiaries within 10 years of the client’s passing.
Presidential Elections and The Stock Market
With a presidential election just around the corner, many investors are looking for clues as to which way stocks may go. The following articles by Dimensional provide an historical perspective on presidential elections and the stock market. The results may surprise you, and should reinforce the benefits of taking a long-term approach to investing.
What Can Plan Sponsors Do Now to Free Up Cash?
Even when the economy isn’t closed due to a pandemic, many employers find meeting their contribution obligations to their employer-sponsored retirement plans a challenge to honor. Employers will need to start looking at ways to free up cash and reduce overhead while we wait and hope for revenues to start flowing in again.