As life unfolds, our priorities, financial circumstances, and even personal goals can change. This can have a significant impact on our wealth management goals and plans, especially when it comes to retirement planning. Even minor changes in our lifestyle, career, or family situation can have a ripple effect on our financial future.

To ensure that you stay on track towards your retirement goals, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your priorities and how they relate to your financial plan. This is where the importance of using a wealth management tool comes in.

Here is a summary checklist to help identify issues to consider before you retire, including:

  • Cash flow issues
  • Insurance and healthcare issues
  • Asset and debt issues
  • Tax planning issues

If you answer “YES” to any of these questions, be sure to consult with your accountant and your financial advisor as individual situations may vary. For more information, contact the PBMares Wealth Management team.

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PBMares Wealth Management